Engelska arbete som ja ska kopiera till min dator :P
Sitter åp skolan fortfarande ... LOL! har ju haft lov sen klockan ett! xD
Ska plocka ihop mitt och dra till bussen efter att ja lämnat pappret till "svenskfröken" ^^
Gymmet nästa! :'D <3
Osså Borlänge på lördag! Wiiiie ^^ <33333
Eng 1202 Ådalsskolan 21 april 2011
What’s English, in real life?
Well I believe it’s a good idea to learn a ”standard” version of the English language to be able to build it out by myself. But if that type of learning should work out well we students should have the opportunity to listen to different kinds of coloured speakers. Just to notice variations of grammar and pronunciation or else it may be a risk that some get chocked when they get out and hear such a different speaking, when they’ve just learned how it “should” be like.
Then if we negate this and suggest and confirm that the teachers also color his/she’s language on a certain way. So teaching is hard if it’s been taught in a none open way. I believe it’s better to think outside the box but with a metaphor to the box.
With this I think that people who work with school issues need an attitude change and also do something about those challenges that will come up with this event.
And if someone starts more and more people will involve to this issues, it may take a little time but if this challenge don’t happened you will never learn something.
Humans are lazy and therefore most of us want basically everything done easier than it already is. In one way that sort of thinking is good, but what if we never challenge our self? How would the world end then?
In tecnic world today I believe that a change is almost impossible to avoid because a thing that is new today may be scrap tomorrow. The community change and habits with it and because we all colour our speaking and writing different this change will come natural.
Tecnic world really give English a new trace of thinking in some ways but just because it extend the “standard” base of English will remain. For example it may change the words meaning and how they are spelled and also in which context words are being used. Not because it would be a disadvantage, since internet came the languages dictionary and vocabulary have expanded. That may be because it has been a lot easier to find solutions and options to extend our language skills much quicker.
A disadvantage with internet is that humans may be locked by all tecnicstuffs in trying to “be someone”. It’s just one type of case, it doesn’t become like this to everyone, but in many cases there is. You will like always be online and contactable. A habit perhaps? With various consequences…
This case may submit that people rather stay at home instead of getting out and socialize with others. We are drawn to thing that we have common, like hobbies. I believe (and know) that if you find someone that has same interest like you there will be easier to start a conversation simply because you have something to share with one another.
It’s like so easy to take after how others act and how they speak and use words to express them self. And as we take after we influence our actions with that what we was influenced of and by our self. In that way we change language, just by do like others and form their expressions to ours. Because of this in a soon future we all will be mixing language and I believe that English will be accepted as a global language in the end.
About words, I think there are curiosity and the request of wanting to know things that drive our desire to learn things. Like where words come from, how other use them, in which context and what do they mean by saying it?
“Think outside the box with a metaphor to the box”
To find the clips on, search from these lines.
David Crystal - Should English be taught as a ‘global’ language?
David Crystal - Which English?
David Crystal - How is the internet changing language today?
David Crystal - Is control of English shifting away from British and American native speakers?
David Crystal - Words, words, words.